The Quality of the Air we Breathe is Getting Worse, the Dust can be Dangerous: In what way?


  • Doepp Manfred HolisticCenter, 13 Haupt St., Abtwil 9030, Switzerland Author



air quality, air pollution, geoengineering, stratospheric aerosols, air purification


 Based on the observation that air quality measuring devices have shown increased levels of dust pollution in recent years, we carried out an investigation over two years. This confirmed the assumption of increasing air pollution: a significant increase in the parts per million of dust particles. By analysing the filter contents of an air ionizer, we were able to find various pollutants: Arsenic, aluminum, titanium, fluorides, barium as well as mold spores. The causes can be assumed to be Geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection. Air purification devices are therefore becoming increasingly important.



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How to Cite

The Quality of the Air we Breathe is Getting Worse, the Dust can be Dangerous: In what way?. (2024). Contemporary Research Analysis Journal, 1(3), 72-74.

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