Academic Procrastination and Burnout among Grade 11 Students


  • Jofel S. Terio Senior High School Department, UM Peñaplata College, Island Garden City of Samal, Philippines Author
  • Jimai M. Salvador Senior High School Department, UM Peñaplata College, Island Garden City of Samal, Philippines Author
  • Noel V. Sardalla Jr. Senior High School Department, UM Peñaplata College, Island Garden City of Samal, Philippines Author
  • Jovenil R. Bacatan Senior High School Department, UM Peñaplata College, Island Garden City of Samal, Philippines Author



academic procrastination, burnout, Grade 11 students, descriptive-correlational study


This study aimed to determine the significant relationship between academic procrastination and burnout. Simple random sampling was used, and it included 53 students. Through non-experimental quantitative descriptive-correlational research technique, validated questionnaire, Mean, Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (Pearson-r), and Simple Linear Regression, results showed that the level of academic procrastination was moderate or sometimes manifested. It was also found that the level of student burnout was moderate or sometimes manifested. There was a significant relationship between academic procrastination and burnout. This means that students who frequently put things off are more likely to experience feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and a sense of inadequacy related to their studies. Accordingly, academic procrastination significantly influences student’s burnout. School officials were recommended to implement a multi-tiered policy to address student procrastination and burnout.


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How to Cite

Academic Procrastination and Burnout among Grade 11 Students. (2024). Contemporary Research Analysis Journal, 1(3), 85-92.

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